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Saal Digital UK Photo booklet review

I was interested in reviewing the photo booklet off the back of the success of the photo book I have previously reviewed.

As like previous the whole process was a breeze with selecting the layout and placing the order. Saal Digital where fast to print and dispatch the booklet unfortunately the carrier they use are sum what slower like the photo book it took Over A Week To Arrive unfortunately in a fast moving world a week is just too long for me other printers can have my order delivered with 3-4 days but that’s not Saal Digitals fault as they where extremely quick to dispatch.

So fast forward 1 week the product arrived safe and sound on first glance the product looks very good for this review I selected matt paper, the pages are a good thickness and feel very professional the colour reproduction is spot on what I seen on my screen at home even the black and white is prefect with no colour cast. Some off the images I selected have come out looking a bit softer when printed on a two page spread.

The booklet is bound in a metal wire with a plastic protective cover which makes it look great.

Over all its a good product with great potential I will order more as I do like the product. If only the postage was faster that is my only issue with my whole experience. I will recommend the photo booklet to both my clients and family.

10 out of 10 Saal Digital UK
